A ‘Whirlwind’ Experience at Sea – Nolan Mascarenhas

Statutory Warning! The next 1282 words, describe a ‘Whirlwind experience’ aboard a floating world in the middle of the ocean. Granted its not an apt choice of words and I got home all accounted for, it did feel like just that- the minute I boarded the Mariner of the Seas by Royal Caribbean – a […]
How my perception of cruises has changed – Malvika Bhattacharya

Here’s the thing about cruises: you’re never really prepared until you’ve been on one. On my first multi-day cruise aboard Royal Caribbean’s Mariner of the Seas, I was initially apprehensive about how I’d spend four days at sea. I thought I’d be looking at the same view of the endless ocean, doing what everyone else […]
Quantum of the Seas a SMART ship.

The Quantum of the Seas takes the cruise experience to another level, the likes of which have never been seen before. It ups the ante as far as technology and experience is concerned and its easy to see why Royal Caribbean International calls Quantum of the Seas a SMART ship. Technology on Quantum of the […]