Cruising is the New Age Way to Travel – Priya Pathiyan

Cruise ships have been the defining experience of luxury travel for decades. Be it lavish decor, plush accommodation, and fine dining, they’ve constantly upped the ante through the ages. Even so, today’s luxe cruise liners are taking this high-end aesthetic a notch higher. They are now appealing to the holistic needs of a traveler. Not […]
Why the Mariner of the Seas feels like home, only so much better – Kiran Mehta

As travel writers, we absolutely love exploring new places and losing ourselves in different cultures. Yet there’s something to be said for familiarity: someone that speaks your language, or just a cup of coffee brewed exactly as you like it. On a recent trip, I managed to enjoy the best of both worlds: entering unchartered […]
Dining experiences onboard Royal Caribbean – Antoine Lewis

The Mariner of the Seas is a big ship. It takes 15 minutes to walk around the entire circumference of the ship; that’s longer than it would take you to walk around a regulation FIFA football field. A fully-fitted cruise ship, it accommodates about 3800 guests and has multiple dining options to choose from. While […]
Thinking of taking a family vacation? How about a Royal cruise from Singapore to Thailand? – Dilip Merala

When you think of vacations, you often start Googling great destinations where the weather is pleasant, the views are spectacular and the food is delicious. You then look for hotel options to book a comfortable stay for your family. You do your research on great places to eat and draw up a plan for sight-seeing. […]
A ‘Whirlwind’ Experience at Sea – Nolan Mascarenhas

Statutory Warning! The next 1282 words, describe a ‘Whirlwind experience’ aboard a floating world in the middle of the ocean. Granted its not an apt choice of words and I got home all accounted for, it did feel like just that- the minute I boarded the Mariner of the Seas by Royal Caribbean – a […]
How my perception of cruises has changed – Malvika Bhattacharya

Here’s the thing about cruises: you’re never really prepared until you’ve been on one. On my first multi-day cruise aboard Royal Caribbean’s Mariner of the Seas, I was initially apprehensive about how I’d spend four days at sea. I thought I’d be looking at the same view of the endless ocean, doing what everyone else […]
Cruising is the New AgeWay to Travel – Priya Pathiyan

Cruise ships have been the defining experience of luxury travel for decades. Be it lavish decor, plush accommodation, and fine dining, they’ve constantly upped the ante through the ages. Even so, today’s luxe cruiseliners are taking this high-end aesthetic a notch higher. They are now appealing to the holistic needs of a traveller. Not content […]
Balcony stateroom experience onboard Royal Caribbean – Alka Kaushik

चलिए आज आपको ले चलती हूं उसी जहाज़ पर वापस जहां से मुझे लौटे एक महीना से कुछ ज्यादा वक्त हो गया है लेकिन मेरा मन अभी तक वहीं पड़ा है! वहीं बोले तो छठे डैक के स्टेटरूम नंबर 246 में! वैसे अगर वो वहां अटक गया है तो इसमें उसका क्या दोष? वो स्टेटरूम […]